I am delighted to showcase my friend, co-worker, and fellow female whisky distiller from The Borders Distillery, Sarah Fraser. She is one of four young...
We had a gin lab at the distillery in Wales where I worked. Visitors would often come in for gin experiences where they were able...
I’m buying a whisky cask! After much deliberation I decided to buy a 200L whisky cask to commemorate my first distilling job at The Borders...
Lately, I’ve been thinking about whether I should buy an entire cask of whisky for investment purposes. But I wondered, is whisky a good investment?...
Running a Scotch Whisky distillery is difficult enough without having to do it during a pandemic. I caught up with my boss, one of the...
Hi! I’m Kristine, and I’ve distilled Scotch whiskey in Scotland and Welsh whiskey in Wales. In this post I’m answering 8 of the most frequently...
The iStill Mini is an experimental still designed by the iStill company. iStill was founded in 2012 and specializes in manufacturing innovative and modern distillery...
Water is essential to the operation of a distillery. It is used for production, cooling, cleaning, and so much more. However, that doesn’t mean that...
How is single malt scotch made? At The Borders Distillery in Hawick, Scotland we make single malt scotch through the following production process. Step 1:...