Visitors at The Borders Distillery often ask us what the proper way to drink Scotch whisky is. They also ask questions such as: What type...
If you’ve ever dreamed of starting a whisky distillery, it may be time for a reality check. Here are the four biggest obstacles you’ll face...
With an average bottle of whiskey sells for a whopping £377 at auction, the high value of whiskey has attracted many fraudsters into selling fake...
During my time in the Scottish Borders I discovered a few beverages that I’d never heard of before. Here’s a list of five interesting drinks...
I spent the day with my co-worker Finlay Street, a young 19 year old distiller, who started his career in distilling in July 2018 at...
I am delighted to showcase my friend, co-worker, and fellow female whisky distiller from The Borders Distillery, Sarah Fraser. She is one of four young...
I’m buying a whisky cask! After much deliberation I decided to buy a 200L whisky cask to commemorate my first distilling job at The Borders...
Lately, I’ve been thinking about whether I should buy an entire cask of whisky for investment purposes. But I wondered, is whisky a good investment?...
Running a Scotch Whisky distillery is difficult enough without having to do it during a pandemic. I caught up with my boss, one of the...