These cinnamon spiced lacto-fermented apples will remind you of eating apple pie. The lacto-fermentation process gives the apples a unique sour flavour and makes them...
This lacto-fermented carrot recipe is full of flavourful seasonings. Carrots are great lacto-fermented because they will keep for several months in the fridge, without getting...
This spicy daikon kimchi has a nice crunchiness when eaten fresh, when fermented longer it develops a nice sour tang. Korean radishes are typically used...
Stuffed cucumber kimchi (Oisobagi kimchi 오이소박이 김치) is crunchy, refreshing and spicy. I like to have it as a side dish with plain white rice and...
In this follow-up post to my Mad Lab Distillery visit, I will go over their stainless steel distillation set up. Their distillation process is quite...
I sit down with Tarquin Melnyk, a bartending consultant, and professional mixologist. Tarquin grew up in a cult believing that the world would end sometime...
In this post, I will discuss how to make tepache de pina which is a refreshing Mexican drink with an extremely low alcohol content between...
I sit down with Sho Ogawa, the head brewer at Mountainview Brewing in Hope, BC. Sho is originally from Osaka, Japan. Before Sho embarked on...
I visited Mad Lab Distillery in Vancouver, BC, where they make whisky, vodka, gin, and raki. The distillery owner, Scott, was kind enough to explain...